Success Stories

Better service in Wellness Tourism with Mobile App

Wayfinding tool and ERP optimize theme park offering


Tourism and Vedic Science


Flutter, Situm SDK for Flutter, Firebase Notifications, .NET and AWS

Better service in Wellness Tourism with Mobile App

Mobile App improves customer experience in Wellness Tourism

arieotech’s technical expertise can help businesses realize their full potential by building critical digital infrastructure. Such critical digital infrastructure can supplement business operations or be a fundamental part of the products and services a business offers. Mobile apps are one such example of digital infrastructure that can significantly augment the value of the offered product and service. In our recent work with a wellness tourism company, arieotech was able to do just that. 


The unique selling proposition of this business rested on guiding clients to different wellness treatments and therapies located across a 350-acre campus. While the lush and sprawling geographical expanse was integral to its wellness strategy, it also posed a navigational challenge to clients unfamiliar with its mapping. Such a navigational challenge was made even more complex as patrons would have to move through multiple points, with distances between them sometimes being as little as six meters. The only way to overcome these challenges was to design an end-to-end solution for navigation and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the constructed theme park.  


Our team developed a wayfinding mobile app to help clients find their way to designated spots to access specific therapies across the campus. This served as an internal mapping solution, helping users find their own way without the hassle of relying on someone else and with no ongoing human resource costs to the company. They also put in place ERP to help the company manage the theme park.


Easy navigation

Smooth integration

AI-based dynamic navigation

Within the Tourism and Vedic Science industry, mobile applications are primarily used—like they are in other industries—to increase visibility and generate sales. The company we worked with, however, understood the potential of technology to transform customer experience in delivering a high-value product and service. 


This company was helping its clients achieve holistic health, through a range of wellness treatments and therapies. With a facility spreading across 350 acres, each treatment was designated to a particular location and space within the campus. While this helped achieve operational efficiency, it was also an impediment for clients: they needed help in navigating an unfamiliar space. 

Mobile App as a Critical Infrastructure Tool for Wellness Tourism

Our team at arieotech helped by developing a mobile application which functioned primarily as a way finding tool. An internal and secure mapping solution, users could easily find their way across the space of facility to get the benefits of the prescribed treatment and therapies recommended for them. This navigation was made accessible to two categories of users: daily visitors and those staying for a longer duration of 2-3 months. Not only did the application provide access to a map of the campus, it offered directions to its users no matter where they were on the campus. With the use of this application, clients could also navigate miniature Indiawhich was a recreation of well-known temples and trails traversed by Gods along their mythic journeys—which helped bolster their sense of wellness and contributed towards holistic health  

Time- and Cost-Efficient Deployment of Technologies

To develop this mobile application, our team used Flutter which allowed simultaneous development of apps for both Android and IoS platforms. Such a hybrid application development meant faster deployment and optimized use of time. Realizing the significance of user experience, however, our team delivered UI quality comparable to that of applications developed natively. Using .NET and AWS ensured a strong backend and cost-efficient infrastructure. Making intelligent use of Situm SDK, our team ensured accurate mapping and navigation was made available to its clients, reducing their dependence on external maps and other people. 

Enterprise Resource Planning for Better Management

The end-to-end ERP developed by arieotech streamlined management of the on-campus wellness-oriented theme park. It helped the business keep track of visitor footfall, while facilitating management of staff. Tracking larger business metrics was made easier too, through eye-catching dashboards. This made it possible to take smart business decisions—whether they pertained to provision of value to patrons or to making strategic decisions about employee management.


Through this and the wayfinding navigation, our team’s intervention helped this business kick-start its innovative offering and make the best experience available to its customers.  

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