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A different approach to software development that focuses on creating single-function systems.

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Focused on creating single-function systems.*

What are Microservices?

Microservices - Every industry is undergoing a digital change. It can have an impact on all of the organization's operations, divisions, functions, and procedures, as well as the business model itself. The partnership between business and IT is one of digital transformation's most important success elements. That is, bridging the gap between the two, concentrating on the same goals, and not ignoring IT's function. It can help with this aspect of the digital transition.

For more information: Microservices wikipedia

Microservices helping businesses

The microservice structure aids in the reduction of development time and effort. Large or sophisticated applications can be split down into smaller, more easily developed and maintained services that can be modified when company circumstances change and work tasks need to be rebuilt to match real-world operations. It's also simpler for software developers to perform continuous integration and installation of code functions to accommodate dynamic behavior with often changing business contexts.

How is arieotech helping businesses with Microservices?

It is effectively taken care of by arieotech Microservices solutions. We have some of the greatest developers at arieotech that are completely versed in it's architecture and can quickly grasp your business process on the complexity. We offer beneficial options for you, whether you're a small or developing firm or a large corporation. We have more than 5 years of expertise in the IT area, therefore we take into account the nature of technological solutions.

Micro services

We're a company of experts



Organizations who are presently creating a microservices-based application should take the Microservice Architecture Assessment. It evaluates what you've created and offers advice from arieotech professionals on how to enhance it.



The microservices software-development paradigm, as used by arieotech, allows you to create a single, unified service from a collection of smaller services. Each microservice appropriately on a tiny, well-defined dataset and a set of loosely linked operations.



Microservice architecture, which is based on SOA concepts from integration to deployment, allows for greater flexibility in how services are delivered. arieotech uses microservices as little more than a layer to deliver services as well as integration with core systems.



Base testing, scale testing, and resiliency testing, which arieotech uses for your organization, are three forms of testing I've observed in many microservices systems that may be utilized to effectively verify that the services perform as intended despite increased complexity of the architecture.



With its services-based approach, arieotech's microservices architecture is tailor-made for DevOps, allowing enterprises to split down applications into smaller services. This allows delivery teams to focus on specific services as independent entities, making creation, testing, and activation much easier.

Organic Software Development

Microservices are services that may be managed separately. As the demand grows, it can permit more and more services. It has a low impact on current services.


Individual microservices are generally straightforward to add, delete, update, and grow because of their ability to function independently. arieotech professionals can accomplish this without interrupting other microservices that make up the application.

Better Isolation For Faults

One microservice operates independently of the others in a microservice design, the breakdown of one function is much less likely to cause adverse influence on other sections of the program.

Better Security and Compliance with Data

Information security becomes an issue when developers build data connections between microservices. Luckily, many developers link them with the help of safe APIs. A secure API protects the information it processes by ensuring that only authorised programs, users, and servers have access to it.

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